Strategy. Insight. Execution.


Passion. Experience. Diligence.


About Us

We’re focused on helping small and midsize breweries in growth and expansion stages. We utilize our resources and our collective experience to help you define your next chapter. We seek to identify roadblocks, uncover opportunities, and build plans that work. With well-defined systems and scalable processes, your team should be prepared for the future. Armed with data-driven insight, an eye toward long-term planning, and a truly collaborative strategy, you’ll be in the best position to own your narrative and to grow how you want to grow.

  • Provide strategic solutions to small and mid-size breweries

  • Identify growth opportunities and build plans that work

  • Build and implement streamlined processes within your team

  • Help refine your brand’s narrative and gain a competitive edge


Who We Are

Ya giant one!


Mike Clark “Sweets”

For nearly two decades, Mike has been consumed by his majestic love of the beer business, with the success and viability of the industry at the forefront of his efforts.

As a Sales Director for Firestone Walker, Mike played a significant role in the organization, sales process, and national brand launch. Overseeing a large team and more than 50 distributors across seven states and Canada, Mike applied a collaborative, fact-based decision making approach stewarding the brewery’s growth from 25,000 to more than 400,000 barrels.

As the consummate people person, Mike finds fulfillment in challenging others to grow and be their absolute best. With a unique brand of humor and humility, he is a catalyst for driving precision workflow and cultivating effective strategy.





Coming soon…